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Octaminx UltimatePyraminx Ultimate with small pyramidal tips. This version became mass produced.
OctanovaA skewb octahedron with a 10-piece-circle at every edge.
OctaphobicAn 8x8x8 Mastermorphix. An 8x8x8 transformed into the shape of a Reuleaux tetrahedron.

Octaprism IA 3x3x3 "fishered" within an octagonal prism.
OctateroThe 3x3x3 + Skewb in shape of an octahedron.
OctedronSeven pyramids in a transparent sphere moved by rotating the sphere to let the pyramids flip into the single hole.

OctexA fishered Master Skewb.
OctoAqua globe with silver continents. There are no embossments on the surface.
Octo Spiral 6x6x6The concept of the Octo Spiral applied to a 6x6x6.

Octo StrapA face turning octahedron with the middle layer placed in midturn by 60°.
Octo-StarA face turning cube, capable of 45 degree turns in some circumstances.
OctoChairThe Dino Octa restricted to just two faces.

OctoCrystalEight intersecting circles, turnable by 45° which allows additional rotations if in the correct permutation.
OctoCrystal PocketThree intersecting circles, turnable by 45° which allows additional rotations if in the correct permutation.
OctoPentThe cousin of the OctoCube with the shape and the axis system of a pentagonal prism.

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